Indoor Air Quality Information Main Page

In this guide you’ll find helpful articles relating to indoor air quality, home air concerns, allergies, how to clean your air, and much, much more.

What is indoor air quality about?

Indoor air quality is concerned with nearly everything regarding the quality and health effects of air inside and around homes, workplaces, and other residences you may occupy. A very wide range of chemical substances, poluntants, bacteria, organic volatile compounds (VOCs), allergens, carbon dioxide, smoke, and more.

Airborne contaminants can affect your health in a wide variety of ways, become an obstacle to your living comfort, and even affect your mood. Finding and fixing unhealthy air may require testing if gases are involved or other types of dangerous contaminants like asbestos fiber or radon gas are potentially present.

Article categories

Cigarette smoke topics

how to test humidity in your home featured image

How To Test The Humidity In Your Home

Humidity can contribute quite a bit to problems around your home – especially your comfort. Find out how to check the humidity around you along with more interesting humidity facts.

Humidity and comfort