How Do You Stop Your Dog from Smelling Between Baths?
Pets owners like myself are familiar with that “smell dog” odor that seems to linger around forever. If you don’t have enough time to give your furry friend a bath what should you do?
Dogs, like people, can have allergies or be sensitive to certain things. This means even ingredients that may be considered safe could harm your dog so you’ll want to be careful.
Using Dry Ingredients
Baking soda is a great way to remove pet odor. You can mix it with other ingredients to make a natural cleanser and it kills bacteria, too! You can use baking soda to give your dog a dry shampoo treatment.
This is great for dogs that hate water because no water is required to use this technique. Here’s ow:
- Brush the baking soda into the dog’s coat. The American Kennel Club suggests adding cornstarch for a soft coat.
- Brush your dog again and the process is done.
This waterless method is best done outside to avoid extra clean-up. Baking soda tends to get everywhere although if you’ve got a vacuum cleaner handy that’ll take care of most of it.
Dog Spray
There are plenty of dog deodorants on the market and many use baking soda in their formulas. Others contain chemicals. (Always be sure to read all directions before using a spray to eliminate pet odor!)
Be picky when choosing products for your pets. Be sure to test your dog’s reaction to a small amount of a new product before use and consult a vet if you have any questions.
The best way to know what’s going into our pet products is to make them ourselves.
DIY Dog Spray
A DIY grooming spray can be as simple as adding fractionated coconut oil and water. Creating something that will keep your dog’s fur clean is more complicated.
When creating a DIY dog spray, remember to dilute the ingredients like essential oils. Don’t worry though: I’ve got a nice DIY recipe below to help you.
Deodorizing Your Dog’s Bed
When dealing with a foul odor coming from your pet it’s important to ensure the cleanliness of their belongings. Even a clean pet can end up smelling stinky if they lay down in a dirty bed that’s been permeated with a skunk smell.
A good-smelling dog starts with a fresh-smelling environment.
- If possible toss your dog’s bed in the wash and leave it in the sun to dry.
- If your dog bed is too large for this method try sprinkling baking soda on the bed and let it sit for the bacteria eating baking soda to do its work.
- Remove the excess baking soda, preferably outside, and you’re set.
Frequent vacuuming can also help keep your dog’s sleeping area smelling good. For a complete guide on cleaning your dog’s bed check this article out from The Maids.
How to Make a Homemade Dog Spray for Odor
Creating your own dog deodorant spray requires very few ingredients and steps to complete. Some recipes call for boiled-down herbs, but the one we’re looking at today will be using essential oils.
What You’ll Need
You may already have many of the items necessary for a DIY dog spray in your home. If not, pick them up at your local grocery store.
- Spray bottle
- Distilled water
- Fractionated coconut oil (optional)
- Pet-safe essential oil
Which Essential Oils are Safe for Pets?
Essential oils are derived from plants. They are concentrated and can be dangerous. For this reason, we need to be extremely careful when introducing essential oil into homes with pets.
Essential oils affect animals differently so don’t be haphazard with them. By the way, what’s safe for your dog may not be good for your cat.
Here’s a list of pet-safe essential oils:
1. Lavender
It’s one of the most popular essential oils thanks to its calming properties and a relaxing aroma that is sure to transform any environment into a peaceful one.
2. Chamomile
This essential oil is one of the oldest ones. It’s great for digestive issues or any wound. Its properties are helpful to battle anxiety and lack of sleep, too.
3. Eucalyptus
Just like the plant itself, its smell promotes a feeling of relaxation and helps make breathing easier.
4. Peppermint
Peppermint oil is known for helping mostly with body aches and problems related to the skin.
5. Sweet Orange
This essential oil has made its reputation based on healing inflammation and helping better blood circulation.
Caution about essential oils and dogs
Some oils including cinnamon, pine, tea tree, and ylang-ylang are poisonous to dogs.
Even oils that are considered safe can become problematic when consumed in large amounts. Keep undiluted essential oils away from pets and children.
If you think a pet has consumed an undiluted essential oil, contact your vet or seek emergency care for your animal immediately.
How to Make and Use a DIY Dog Odor Spray
1. Prepare a Spray with Bottled Water
Fill a clean spray bottle with distilled water. How much water you will add is determined by the size of the bottle.
Any amount is fine but keep track of how much you used for the next step.
2. Add Pet Safe Essential Oils and Mix Thoroughly
Add essential oil(s). The amount will vary depending on the size of your spray bottle, but 3-4 drops per 2 tablespoons (30 ml) should suffice.
At this point you can also add some coconut oil to help condition your dog’s coat. Be sure to mix thoroughly for around a minute. This can be done by simply shaking the bottle.
3. Apply the Spray to your Dog
Do a spot test (or two) – sometimes we never know how our dogs will react to new things. Spray a small patch near your dog and wait 24 hours.
If your dog doesn’t show any signs of an allergic reaction, repeat the same test on a small patch of your dog’s fur.
Once you know how your dog will react to your DIY dog deodorant you’re ready to give them a good spritz. When spraying your dog never spray them on the head.
If possible, cover their eyes to avoid contamination. Give your pup a treat! Dogs respond well to positive reinforcement, so make sure this is a pleasant experience for them!
What Causes Bad Dog Smell?
Bad dog smell comes with the territory of being a pet owner. Sometimes our pets roll around in things that smell great to them but are terrible to us.
If your dog is constantly stinky it may be time to consider why and to consult with a vet.
Why Does My Dog Stink Even After a Bath?
If your dog still has a consistently foul odor after a bath it’s time to visit the vet. The smell could be an underlying infection or allergic reaction.
Allergic reactions occur for various reasons but are commonly linked to the environment, parasites, and diet.
Why Does My Dog Smell Like Metal After Being Outside?
A metal or fishy smell accompanying your dog when they come in is probably just their anal glands. Dogs express their anal glands when they do their business as this helps them communicate with other dogs.
If the fishy or metallic smell is persistent your dog’s anal glands may be compacted. A vet or a groomer can help you with this problem.
Will Vinegar Make Your Dog Smell Better?
Apple cider vinegar can help eliminate dog smells. Despite its own pungent smell, it’s actually a deodorizer.
Vinegar is a safe natural ingredient that can be used undiluted, but it’s recommended to do a patch test first and dilute if necessary.
How Do Groomers Make Dogs Smell Good?
Groomers have access to the best shampoos, specially formulated for dogs. That’s what helps your dog come back from the groomer smelling great.